American IPA | 6.4% abv
Oh! Darling… Deep amber colors translate into spicy citrus, floral and toasty caramel aromas. This dry, yet fruity IPA has a flavorful medium body and is delightfully hoppy the whole way through. Flavors of citrus and grapefruit are the stars here. While those carry on, you’ll notice a slight resinous character that lingers and invites you to have another sip.
Oh! Darling… Deep amber colors translate into spicy citrus, floral and toasty caramel aromas. This dry, yet fruity IPA has a flavorful medium body and is delightfully hoppy the whole way through. Flavors of citrus and grapefruit are the stars here. While those carry on, you’ll notice a slight resinous character that lingers and invites you to have another sip.