This junmai nigori, hailing from Kyoto Prefecture, is one of Japan's most iconic nigori sakes. Its graceful name pays tribute to Hanako (Flower Maiden), a legendary koi who lived in the cool icy waters underfoot at Mount Ontake for 226 years.
Tozai Snow Maiden Junmai Nigori opens to vibrant melon-like aromas. You may even catch hints of nuts and bananas in the nose. Upon first sip, this nigori unleashes a flurry of honeydew flavors along with savory notes of pumpkin & rice and even earthier tones like radish.
What stands out most though is the texture. Tozai Snow Maiden lives up to its name with its creamy snow-like texture and full body. Its also surprisingly dry for a nigori. Unlike most nigori-zake, Tozai Snow Maiden strikes a perfect balance; it's neither too acidic nor too sweet.